- Step_11_jeedom_check: last check
Run these three commands to install Jeedom on your Orange Pi. The first command allows you to retrieve the installation script. We then render this script executable (chmod + x) before launching it.
chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
The installation time will greatly depend on the speed of your internet connection and the state of your system. If it is already up to date, the first step (which is the longest) will be very fast.
Error SQLSTATE [HY000] [2002] No such file or directory: problem with the MySQL database
Jeedom uses the MySQL Open Source database (also called MariaDB) to run. Even though in theory everything is installed and configured by the script, you may encounter this message after installation. The message SQLSTATE [HY000] [2002] No such file or directory means that Jeedom can not connect to the database. You may also encounter this problem following an unexpected stop of Jeedom (a power cut, a Jeedom crash …). Can not describe all solutions. Check out the official forum here. For my part, I got the error message after installation. I do not know the exact cause but this is how I got away!
First, make sure the password generated by the script at the time of installation is secure. It is indicated by the script at the end of the installation in the ALL CECKS COMPLETE section. It is a unique identifier consisting of 15 alphanumeric characters generated automatically at the start of the script.
We start by uninstalling MySQL from the system
sudo apt-get purge mysql-server
Then all the contents of the directory
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
Finally, we install MySQL
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
During installation, a window will pop up to ask you for the root password. Paste the password generated by the script previously. Nothing prohibits you from using another password. This should be reported to the Jeedom installation script immediately afterwards.
Obviously, uninstalling and re-installing MySQL is not without consequences on Jeedom. If you refresh the web browser, you will get the following error message
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'jeedom'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
It will be necessary to “replay” the installation script to put everything back in order. As you noted the password (and re-installed MySQL with the same), run this command
sudo ./install.sh -m MYSQL_PASSWORD
Since the system is already up-to-date and all resources have been downloaded, it takes only a few minutes.
And here you can start to configure your DIY Jeedom v3 100% DIY box! Open Jeedom by entering the IP address of the Raspberry PI from any computer or tablet in the local network.
Root MySql password is f0a2f4e3f9b36bf