Le code est le suivant:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import randint as rnd
def maze(width=81, height=51, complexity=.5, density =.5):
h1 = (height//2)*2+1
w1 = (width//2)*2+1
grid = np.array([[0]*w1]*h1)
# Adjust complexity and density relative to maze size
complexity = int(complexity*(5*(h1+w1)))
#density = int(density*(shape[0]//2*shape[1]//2))
density = int(density*(h1//2*w1))
# Make isles
for _ in range(density):
x, y = rnd(0,w1//2)*2, rnd(0,h1//2)*2
grid[y,x] = 1
for _ in range(complexity):
neighbours = []
if x > 1: neighbours.append( (y,x-2) )
if x < w1-2: neighbours.append( (y,x+2) )
if y > 1: neighbours.append( (y-2,x) )
if y < h1-2: neighbours.append( (y+2,x) )
if len(neighbours):
y_,x_ = neighbours[rnd(0,len(neighbours)-1)]
if grid[y_,x_] == 0:
grid[y_,x_] = 1
grid[y_+(y-y_)//2,x_+(x-x_)//2] = 1
x, y = x_, y_
#Make walls
grid[0,:] = grid[-1,:] = 1
grid[:,0] = grid[:,-1] = 1
#Make doors
return grid