1ère Générale NSI


Term. Générale NSI


Terminale STI2D SIN

Bts Ccst

Technico-commercial 3.0



Test de i2c


Clase ina3221 en voltmètre


Classe ina3221 complete


from machine import SoftI2C,Pin
from micropython import const
import time
from time import sleep

# Définir les broches SCL et SDA pour le bus I2C
scl = Pin(22)
sda = Pin(21)

# Créer un objet I2C
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=400000)
# Scanner le bus I2C et afficher les adresses trouvées
adresses_trouvees = i2c.scan()
print("Adresses I2C trouvées :")
for adresse in adresses_trouvees:
    print(f"  - Adresse décimale : {adresse}")
    print(f"  - Adresse hexadécimale : {hex(adresse)}")

# Adresse I2C du INA3221
INA3221_ADDR = 0x40

# Registres
BUS_VOLTAGE_CH = (None, const(0x02), const(0x04), const(0x06))

BUS_ADC_LSB = 0.008             # VBus ADC LSB is 8mV

class INA3221:
    def __init__(self,
        # Définir les broches SCL et SDA pour le bus I2C
        pscl = Pin(scl)
        psda = Pin(sda)
        self.i2c = SoftI2C(scl=pscl, sda=psda, freq=400000)

    def scan(self):
        # Scanner le bus I2C et afficher les adresses trouvées
        adresses_trouvees = self.i2c.scan()
        print("Adresses I2C trouvées :")
        for adresse in adresses_trouvees:
            print(f"  - Adresse décimale : {adresse}")
            print(f"  - Adresse hexadécimale : {hex(adresse)}")

    def config(self,cH1en=1,cH2en=1,cH3en=1,):
        RST   = "0" #15
        CH1en = str(cH1en) #14 
        CH2en = str(cH2en) #13
        CH3en = str(cH3en) #12
        AVG   = "000" #11-9 Average
        VBUSCT= "001" #8-6 Conv. Time
        VSHCT = "000" #5-3 Conv. Time
        MODE  = "110" #2-0 
        config_value = RST+CH1en+CH2en+CH3en+AVG+VBUSCT+VSHCT+MODE
        config_value = self.bin_to_int(config_value)
        self.i2c.writeto_mem(INA3221_ADDR, CONFIG_REG, config_value.to_bytes(2, 'big'))

    def read_config(self):
        reg = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(INA3221_ADDR,CONFIG_REG , 2)
        reg = int.from_bytes(reg, 'big')
        reg = hex(reg)
        print("conf: ",reg)

    def bin_to_int(self,strbin):
        sum = 0
        puis = len(strbin)-1
        for i,c in enumerate(strbin):
            sum+= 2**(puis-i)*int(c)
        return sum

    def voltmeter(self, channel=1):
        """Returns the channel's bus voltage in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value_reg = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(INA3221_ADDR, BUS_VOLTAGE_CH[channel] , 2)
        bus_voltage = int.from_bytes(value_reg, 'big') >> 3  # Conversion en 13 bits
        # convert to volts - LSB = 8mV
        return bus_voltage * BUS_ADC_LSB

ina = INA3221(CHen="101")
while True:
    v1 = ina.voltmeter(3)

# imports
from micropython import const

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/neaxi/MicroPython_INA3221"

# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

_DEFAULT_ADDRESS                 = const(0x40)

# Registers and bits definitions

# Config register
C_REG_CONFIG                      = const(0x00)

C_RESET                           = const(0x8000)
C_ENABLE_CH                       = (None,const(0x4000),const(0x2000),const(0x1000)) # default set

C_AVERAGING_MASK                  = const(0x0E00)
C_AVERAGING_NONE                  = const(0x0000)     # 1 sample, default
C_AVERAGING_4_SAMPLES             = const(0x0200)
C_AVERAGING_16_SAMPLES            = const(0x0400)
C_AVERAGING_64_SAMPLES            = const(0x0600)
C_AVERAGING_128_SAMPLES           = const(0x0800)
C_AVERAGING_256_SAMPLES           = const(0x0A00)
C_AVERAGING_512_SAMPLES           = const(0x0C00)
C_AVERAGING_1024_SAMPLES          = const(0x0E00)

C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_MASK             = const(0x01C0)
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_140US            = const(0x0000)
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_204US            = const(0x0040)
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_332US            = const(0x0080)
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_588US            = const(0x00C0)
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_1MS              = const(0x0100)     # 1.1ms, default
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_2MS              = const(0x0140)     # 2.116ms
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_4MS              = const(0x0180)     # 4.156ms
C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_8MS              = const(0x01C0)     # 8.244ms

C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_MASK            = const(0x0038)
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_140US           = const(0x0000)
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_204US           = const(0x0008)
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_332US           = const(0x0010)
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_588US           = const(0x0018)
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_1MS             = const(0x0020)     # 1.1ms, default
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_2MS             = const(0x0028)     # 2.116ms
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_4MS             = const(0x0030)     # 4.156ms
C_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_8MS             = const(0x0038)     # 8.244ms

C_MODE_MASK                       = const(0x0007)
C_MODE_POWER_DOWN                 = const(0x0000)     # Power-down
C_MODE_SHUNT_VOLTAGE_TRIGGERED    = const(0x0001)     # Shunt voltage, single-shot (triggered)
C_MODE_BUS_VOLTAGE_TRIGGERED      = const(0x0002)     # Bus voltage, single-shot (triggered)
C_MODE_SHUNT_AND_BUS_TRIGGERED    = const(0x0003)     # Shunt and bus, single-shot (triggered)
C_MODE_POWER_DOWN2                = const(0x0004)     # Power-down
C_MODE_SHUNT_VOLTAGE_CONTINUOUS   = const(0x0005)     # Shunt voltage, continous
C_MODE_BUS_VOLTAGE_CONTINUOUS     = const(0x0006)     # Bus voltage, continuous
C_MODE_SHUNT_AND_BUS_CONTINOUS    = const(0x0007)     # Shunt and bus, continuous (default)

# Other registers
C_REG_SHUNT_VOLTAGE_CH            = (None, const(0x01), const(0x03), const(0x05))
C_REG_BUS_VOLTAGE_CH              = (None, const(0x02), const(0x04), const(0x06))
C_REG_CRITICAL_ALERT_LIMIT_CH     = (None, const(0x07), const(0x09), const(0x0B))
C_REG_WARNING_ALERT_LIMIT_CH      = (None, const(0x08), const(0x0A), const(0x0C))
C_REG_SHUNT_VOLTAGE_SUM           = const(0x0D)

# Mask/enable register
C_REG_MASK_ENABLE                 = const(0x0F)
C_SUM_CONTROL_CH                  = (None,const(0x4000),const(0x2000),const(0x1000)) # def. not set
C_WARNING_LATCH_ENABLE            = const(0x0800)     # default not set
C_CRITICAL_LATCH_ENABLE           = const(0x0400)     # default not set
C_CRITICAL_FLAG_CH                = (None,const(0x0200),const(0x0100),const(0x0080))
C_SUM_ALERT_FLAG                  = const(0x0040)
C_WARNING_FLAG_CH                 = (None,const(0x0020),const(0x0010),const(0x0008))
C_POWER_ALERT_FLAG                = const(0x0004)
C_TIMING_ALERT_FLAG               = const(0x0002)
C_CONV_READY_FLAG                 = const(0x0001)

# Other registers
C_REG_MANUFACTURER_ID             = const(0xFE)
C_REG_DIE_ID                      = const(0xFF)

# Constants for manufacturer and device ID
C_MANUFACTURER_ID                 = const(0x5449)     # "TI"
C_DIE_ID                          = const(0x3220)

# General constants
C_BUS_ADC_LSB                     = 0.008             # VBus ADC LSB is 8mV
C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB                   = 0.00004           # VShunt ADC LSB is 40µV

class INA3221:
    """Driver class for Texas Instruments INA3221 3 channel current sensor device"""

    IS_FULL_API = True

    def _to_signed(val):
        if val > 32767:
            return val - 65536
        return val

    def _to_unsigned(val):
        if val < 0:
            return val + 65536
        return val

    def write(self, reg, value):
        """Write value in device register"""
        seq = bytearray([reg, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF])

    def read(self, reg):
        """Return value from device register"""
        buf = bytearray(3)
        buf[0] = reg
        self.write_then_readinto(buf, buf, out_end=1, in_start=1)
        value = (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[2])
        return value

    def update(self, reg, mask, value):
        """Read-modify-write value in register"""
        regvalue = self.read(reg)
        regvalue &= ~mask
        value &= mask
        self.write(reg, regvalue | value)

    def writeto_then_readfrom(
        """Write data from buffer_out to an address and then
        read data from an address and into buffer_in
        if out_end:
            self.i2c_device.writeto(address, buffer_out[out_start:out_end], stop)
            self.i2c_device.writeto(address, buffer_out[out_start:], stop)

        if not in_end:
            in_end = len(buffer_in)
        read_buffer = memoryview(buffer_in)[in_start:in_end]
        self.i2c_device.readfrom_into(address, read_buffer, stop)

    def write_then_readinto(
        Write the bytes from ``out_buffer`` to the device, then immediately
        reads into ``in_buffer`` from the device. The number of bytes read
        will be the length of ``in_buffer``.

        If ``out_start`` or ``out_end`` is provided, then the output buffer
        will be sliced as if ``out_buffer[out_start:out_end]``. This will
        not cause an allocation like ``buffer[out_start:out_end]`` will so
        it saves memory.

        If ``in_start`` or ``in_end`` is provided, then the input buffer
        will be sliced as if ``in_buffer[in_start:in_end]``. This will not
        cause an allocation like ``in_buffer[in_start:in_end]`` will so
        it saves memory.

        :param bytearray out_buffer: buffer containing the bytes to write
        :param bytearray in_buffer: buffer containing the bytes to read into
        :param int out_start: Index to start writing from
        :param int out_end: Index to read up to but not include; if None, use ``len(out_buffer)``
        :param int in_start: Index to start writing at
        :param int in_end: Index to write up to but not include; if None, use ``len(in_buffer)``
        if out_end is None:
            out_end = len(out_buffer)
        if in_end is None:
            in_end = len(in_buffer)


    def __init__(self, i2c_instance, i2c_addr = _DEFAULT_ADDRESS, shunt_resistor = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_instance
        self.i2c_addr = i2c_addr
        self.shunt_resistor = shunt_resistor
        #self.write(C_REG_CONFIG, C_AVERAGING_NONE | \
        #           C_VBUS_CONV_TIME_1MS | \
        #           C_MODE_BUS_VOLTAGE_CONTINUOUS  )


    def is_channel_enabled(self, channel=1):
        """Returns if a given channel is enabled or not"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        bit = C_ENABLE_CH[channel]
        return self.read(C_REG_CONFIG) & bit != 0

    def enable_channel(self, channel=1, enable=True):
        """Enables or disable a given channel"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        bit = C_ENABLE_CH[channel]
        value = 0
        if enable:
            value = bit
        self.update(C_REG_CONFIG, bit, value)

    def shunt_voltage(self, channel=1):
        """Returns the channel's shunt voltage in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_signed(self.read(C_REG_SHUNT_VOLTAGE_CH[channel])) / 8.0
        # convert to volts - LSB = 40uV
        return value * C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB

    def current(self, channel=1):
        """Return's the channel current in Amps"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        return self.shunt_voltage(channel) / self.shunt_resistor[channel-1]

    def bus_voltage(self, channel=1):
        """Returns the channel's bus voltage in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_signed(self.read(C_REG_BUS_VOLTAGE_CH[channel])) / 8
        # convert to volts - LSB = 8mV
        return value * C_BUS_ADC_LSB

    def shunt_critical_alert_limit(self, channel=1):
        """Returns the channel's shunt voltage critical alert limit in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_signed(self.read(C_REG_CRITICAL_ALERT_LIMIT_CH[channel])) / 8
        # convert to volts - LSB = 40uV
        return value * C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB

    def set_shunt_critical_alert_limit(self, channel, voltage):
        """Sets the channel's shunt voltage critical alert limit in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_unsigned(round(voltage * C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB) * 8)
        self.write(C_REG_CRITICAL_ALERT_LIMIT_CH[channel], value)

    def shunt_warning_alert_limit(self, channel=1):
        """Returns the channel's shunt voltage warning alert limit in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_signed(self.read(C_REG_WARNING_ALERT_LIMIT_CH[channel])) / 8
        # convert to volts - LSB = 40uV
        return value * C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB

    def set_shunt_warning_alert_limit(self, channel, voltage):
        """Sets the channel's shunt voltage warning alert limit in Volts"""
        assert 1 <= channel <= 3, "channel argument must be 1, 2, or 3"
        value = self._to_unsigned(round(voltage * C_SHUNT_ADC_LSB) * 8)
        self.write(C_REG_WARNING_ALERT_LIMIT_CH[channel], value)

    def is_ready(self):
        """Returns the CVRF (ConVersion Ready Flag) from the mask/enable register """
        regvalue = self.read(C_REG_MASK_ENABLE)
        test =  (regvalue & C_CONV_READY_FLAG) != 0x0
        return test
import sys
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
#from ina3221 import *

ina = INA3221(i2c)
volt = ina.bus_voltage(3)

from machine import I2C, Pin


# Initialisation de l'I2C
i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000)

# Adresse I2C du INA3221
INA3221_ADDR = 0x40

def int_to_binary(num):
  if num == 0:
    return "0"

  binary_string = ""
  while num > 0:
    remainder = num % 2
    binary_string = str(remainder) + binary_string
    num //= 2
  return binary_string


def bin_to_int(strbin):
    sum = 0
    puis = len(strbin)-1
    for i,c in enumerate(strbin):
        sum+= 2**(puis-i)*int(c)
    return sum


RST   = "0" #15
CH1en = "1" #14 
CH2en = "0" #13
CH3en = "1" #12
AVG   = "000" #11-9
VBUSCT= "001" #8-6
VSHCT = "000" #5-3
MODE  = "110" #2-0
config_value = RST+CH1en+CH2en+CH3en+AVG+VBUSCT+VSHCT+MODE
#config_value = bin_to_int(config_value)

# Registres
# Configuration du registre de configuration
#config_value = 0x5006  # Exemple de valeur de configuration
#config_value = C_RESET
i2c.writeto_mem(INA3221_ADDR, CONFIG_REG, config_value.to_bytes(2, 'big'))

reg = i2c.readfrom_mem(INA3221_ADDR,CONFIG_REG , 2)
#reg = int.from_bytes(reg, 'big') >> 3  # Conversion en 13 bits
reg = int.from_bytes(reg, 'big')
reg = hex(reg)

while True:
    # Lecture de la tension de bus du canal 1
    bus_voltage_raw = i2c.readfrom_mem(INA3221_ADDR, BUS_VOLTAGE_REG_CH1, 2)
    reg = int.from_bytes(bus_voltage_raw, 'big')
    binary = int_to_binary(reg)
    binary = binary[:-3]
    volt = bin_to_int(binary)


    bus_voltage = int.from_bytes(bus_voltage_raw, 'big') >> 3  # Conversion en 13 bits
    bus_voltage *= 0.008  # Conversion en volts (1 LSB = 8 mV)

    print("Tension de bus du canal 1 : {:.3f} V".format(bus_voltage))


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