Practice Exercises for Variables and Assignments
Solve each of the practice exercises below. Each problem includes three CodeSkulptor links: one for a template that you should use as a starting point for your solution, one to our solution to the exercise, and one to a tool that automatically checks your solution.
- Given a template that pre-defines a variable miles, write an assignment statement that defines a variable feetwhose value is the number of feet in miles miles. Miles to feet template --- Miles to feet solution --- Miles to feet (Checker)
- Given a template that pre-defines three variables hours, minutes and seconds, write an assignment statement that updates the variable total_seconds to have a value corresponding to the total number of seconds for hours hours, minutes minutes and seconds seconds. Hours to second template --- Hours to second solution ---Hours to second (Checker)
- Given a template that pre-defines the variables width and height that are the lengths of the sides of a rectangle, write an assignment statement that defines a variable perimeter whose value is the perimeter of the rectangle in inches. Perimeter of rectangle template --- Perimeter of rectangle solution --- Perimeter of rectangle (Checker)
- Given a template that pre-defines the variables width and height that are the lengths of the sides of a rectangle, write an assignment statement that defines a variable area whose value is the area of the rectangle in square inches. Area of rectangle template --- Area of rectangle solution --- Area of rectangle (Checker)
- Given a template that pre-defines the constant PI and the variable radius corresponding to the radius of a circle in inches, write an assignment statement that defines a variable circumference whose value is the circumference of a circle with radius radius in inches. Circumference of circle template --- Circumference of circle solution --- Circumference of circle (Checker)
- Given a template that pre-defines the constant PI and the variable radius corresponding to the radius of a circle in inches, write an assignment statement that defines a variable area whose value is the area of a circle with radius radius in square inches.Area of circle template --- Area of circle solution --- Area of circle (Checker)
- Given the pre-defined variables present_value, annual_rate and years, write an assignment statement that define a variable future_value whose value is present_value dollars invested at annual_rate percent interest, compounded annually for years years. Future value template --- Future value solution --- Future value (Checker)
- Give the pre-defined variables first_name and last_name, write an assignment statement that defines the variable name_tag whose value is the string "My name is % %." where the percents should be replaced by first_name and last_name. Note that, in Python, you can use the + operator on strings to concatenate (i.e. join) them together into a single string. Name tag template --- Name tag solution --- Name tag (Checker)
- Given the pre-defined variables name (a string) and age (a number), write an assignment statement that defines a variable statement whose value is the string "% is % years old." where the percents should be replaced by name and the string form of age. Name and age template --- Name and age solution --- Name and age (Checker)
- Given the variables x0, y0, x1, and y1, write an assignment statement that defines a variable distance whose values is the distance between the points (x0,y0) and (x1,y1). Point distance template --- Point distance solution --- Point distance (Checker)
- Challenge: Heron's formulastates the area of a triangle is s(s−a)(s−b)(s−c)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√ where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle and s=12(a+b+c) is thesemi-perimeterof the triangle. Given the variables x0, y0, x1,y1, x2, and y2, write a Python program that computes a variable area whose value is the area of the triangle with vertices (x0,y0), (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). (Hint: our solution uses five assignment statements.) Triangle area template --- Triangle area solution --- Triangle area (Checker)