Etape 1 : Installer le plugin email-composer

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-email-composer
npm install --save @ionic-native/email-composer

 Etape 2 : Créer une claase (provider ou service) pour gérer les mails: 

ionic g provider email

Etape 3 : Déclarer Email Composer dans app.module.ts

Aller dans app/app.modle.ts

Ajouter la bibliothèque Email Composer dans :

- les imports :

import { EmailComposer } from '@ionic-native/email-composer';

- et dans provides: [ ajouter



Etape 4 : Modifier la classe email.ts dans les providers

Aller dans providers/email/email.ts et modifier la classe :

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { EmailComposer } from '@ionic-native/email-composer';

/************************************* *

* Gestion de l'envoi des emails



export class EmailProvider {


{ }



* @public

* @method sendMail

* @param to      {string} The primary e-mail address

* @param cc      {string} The carbon copy e-mail address

* @param bcc      {string} The blank carbon copy e-mail address

* @param attachment {string} The attachment to be sent

* @param subject {string} The subject for the e-mail message

* @param body {string} The message content








body:string) :void


// Use the plugin isAvailable method to check whether

// the user has configured an email account


.then((available: boolean) =>


// Check that plugin has been granted access permissions to

// user's e-mail account


.then((isPermitted : boolean) =>


// Define an object containing the

// keys/values for populating the device

// default mail fields when a new message

// is created

letemail:any= {

app      :'mailto',

to       :to,

cc       :cc,

bcc      :bcc,

attachments  : [



subject    :subject,

body     :body


// Open the device e-mail client and create

// a new e-mail message populated with the

// object containing our message data;


.catch((error : any) =>


console.log('No access permission granted');




.catch((error : any) =>


console.log('User does not appear to have device e-mail account');





 Etape 5 : Envoyer des emails des pages.ts

importer le service EmailProvider dans votre page.ts :

import { EmailProvider } from '../../providers/email/email';
Déclarer l'objet EmailProvider :



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