Well there are quite a few, and here we will see the 50 most used sorted by category:

This list is based on my experience on Raspberry and Linux in general
Everyone has a different use of his system and can use more often commands that are not present here
The goal is really to introduce the essential commands to start, and not to make an exhaustive list

Table of Contents

Files management

These commands are the basics that every Linux beginner should learn
Maybe you already know them, but it will be a reminder

The Linux arborescence is a Tree, starting at the root: /
Each subfolder created under is accessible with /
Ex: /home/pi => pi is a subfolder of /home, home is a subfolder  in /
Don't forget to use sudo if you are not allowed to access the file or directory (sudo gives you administrator privileges for the command that follows)

Network commands

Shortly after your first Raspbian installation, you’ll surely need some of this commands to help you with the network configuration (especially if you are on a lite version or with SSH)


By default, the Raspberry Pi 3B+ comes with 2 interfaces (Ethernet and WiFi)
The ethernet is called eth0 and the WiFi is wlan0
You have to use these names with some of the commands below

File transfer and remote connection

System updates

Just after the network configuration, you’ll have to update your system to get the last version of each default packages installed

On Raspbian, and generally on all Linux distributions, you'll have a package for each app or command you install
A list of all available packages is called a repository
Once installed, you need to update this repository and all your packages regularly to keep your system safe
These commands explain you how to do this
We'll need sudo for all these commands

Packages management

After that, you may want to install new packages on your Raspberry Pi
Here are the commands you need to know to do this

System management

Here are the commands you’ll often use to manage your Raspberry Pi hardware

Raspbian commands

Most of the commands from this post are basically Linux commands
But Raspbian has some exclusive ones that I will introduce first

These are not all essentials, but you may not know them even if you are good with Linux


Here are some other useful commands that I haven’t managed to place in the other categories ⯑

Warrior commands

For this last part, I’ll introduce some powerful commands to master your Raspberry Pi
If you start on Linux, you may not need to know this one, but if you want to save time or go further on Raspberry Pi,  you should know this commands


Here we are.
Now you should have a better idea of commands to learn to get the best of your Raspberry Pi

And you, what are your more used commands?
You can see it by analyzing your history file with this kind of command:


Source : https://raspberrytips.com/raspberry-pi-commands/

  • history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10
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